以DAX为例。 如果您认为德国的经济前景乐观,您将购买DAX CFD,期望德国公司会拉高该指数的价格。
重要的是要记住,有时指数可能不是由于实际经济增长而增加,这仅仅是由于拥有风险资产(例如股票)的趋势有所增加。但是,这些偏差不会持续很长时间,价格调整可能很快就会发生。交易者经常比较不同地区指数的表现以发现并利用机会。通过比较DAX和S&P 500,找出它在实践中是如何工作的。
*我们接收,处理和确认执行交易之间的平均订单执行时间为38毫秒。根据我们的桥接系统供应商在2020年12月1日至2020年12月31日期间的观察。Basel Markets被投资趋势组织评为2019年最佳交易执行机构
Trade Responsibly: Equity-linked and foreign exchange derivative products are highly leveraged, carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Features of our products including fees and charges are outlined in the relevant legal documents available on our website. The legal documents should be considered before entering into transactions with us. Basel Markets is a company registered as Basel Markets International Limited, a globally regulated provider of CFD and foreign exchange trading services and Basel Markets which is a registered company of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Limited Liability Number 26170 BC 2021. Basel Markets does not accept applications from residents of countries or jurisdictions where such distribution or use would be contrary to local laws or regulations. Basel Markets does not accept clients from certain countries/regions including the United States and Hong Kong. For a full list of restricted countries, please contact our Client Service for further details.